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Foundations for Scientific Investigations


Scientific investigations assume something. They assume that something really exists that we can investigate! Obviously this is really important to science. If nothing existed then we wouldn't have exciting science classes (and don't say "we wouldn't have boring ones either!"). Not to worry, a couple of the most famous Philosopher dudes in the world (Aristotle 384-322 BC, and Thomas Aquinas AD 1225-74) pointed out some things which certainly paved the way for the whole modern science thing to happen.

1. What is True?

  • Truth is what corresponds to reality. Truth is telling it like it is. Truth is what the facts are.
  • This definition of truth is undeniable. If someone says, "this definition of truth is wrong," then they are saying that the definition doesn't correspond to the facts and that a definition of truth which does correspond to the facts is true. At the very least such a person would be saying that their understanding of truth is what the facts were. In other words, the only way to deny the correspondence view of truth is by using the correspondence view of truth which just affirms the correspondence view!
  • If this definition of truth is wrong then:
    • Lies would be impossible
    • Nothing at all would be true or false
    • All meaningful communication would break down

2. What is False?

  • Contradictions show something cannot be true. The law of non-contradiction states that something cannot both exist and not exist at the same time and in the same sense. Something cannot be both true and false at the same time and in the same sense.
  • This law of logic is undeniable. If someone says, "this law is wrong," then they are saying that the law is not right. One thing and not the other. False and not true. But that is exactly what the law states! You have to use the law of non-contradiction to deny the law of non-contradiction which just affirms it as being true.
  • If this law of logic is wrong then:
    • Nothing would be true or false (which means this law can't be false!)
    • All our thoughts would be a continuous series of contradictions.
    • We could not make any affirmations about anything (including logic)!

3. Is Anything Real?

  • Something undeniably exists. It is impossible to deny your own existence without affirming it. Try it and see! "I don't exist." Oops, who said that? You have to exist in order to make such an observation which means the observation must be false. Your existence is literally undeniable!
  • Because something exists we can engage in scientific investigations. Reality allows us the opportunity to study things and come to know them better. Logic allow us to make deductions from our inductions, i.e. conclusions from our observations.
  • Complete skepticism is self-refuting and is therefore wrong. The statement, "you can't know reality," is a statement which claims to know something about reality (that you can't know it)!
  • Other reasons for reality:
    • Pain hurts a lot and sometimes goes on and on. Pain is real.
    • We talk to others all the time and they talk back. People are real.
    • You can't live like nothing exists. Don't play on the motorway. Life is real.


Yes the wonderfully exciting universe really exists. And yes we can investigate it. While we will never know everything, we can come to know some things for sure. We can also know many things with a great deal of certainty, and we can find out at least a little bit about pretty much everything else. So let's get out there and do some scientific investigating!

Postscript for those in love

"What about love," someone might ask? "Love isn't logical." Well, I guess not. Love itself is not logical but can you have love without logic?

  • Truth is important in love - there is a difference between a baboon and a boyfriend, or a gorilla and a girl.
  • Contradictions have to be avoided in love - You can't marry someone who already has a wife, or a woman who already has a husband.
  • Reality is the basis for love - True love requires three things: a lover, a loved one, and a spirit of love flowing between them. Miss one out and you just have a vivid imagination. What makes love so exciting is that there's someone out there who really cares.

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©1999 Trevor Mander



1. What is True?

2. What is False?

3. Is Anything Real?


Postscript for those in love