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Just Plain Silly

It's amazing what you find in your e-mail...

There's no reason to believe these stories are true except that they appear on the Internet. They usually don't come with any references or dates so we leave the question of authenticity up to you to answer. True or not? Well regardless, they certainly are quite funny.

  1. Lawyers typically aren't funny -- unless by accident. Case in point: The following questions from lawyers were taken from official court records nationwide...
  2. The problems with English. Think about it... If a pig loses its voice, is it disgruntled?
  3. How to know whether or not you are ready to have children.
  4. The FBI orders pizza
  5. From a little book called "Disorder in the Court." Things people actually said in court, word for word.
  6. Buttered Cat Array. The real secret behind perpetual motion.
  7. Politicians speak - important issues.
  8. Techno Jargon in Science
  9. Laugh at the Them - some humour at the Terrorists expense
  10. Tech Support - Real stories of phone calls to computer tech support
  11. Real answers from my student's exams


1. Lawyers
2. Language problems
3. Having children
4. FBI pizza
5. More lawyers
6. Buttered Cat Array
7. Politicians Speak
8. Techo Jargon
9. Tewworwists

10. Tech Support
11. Real Answers